
  • Next Program - Organ Music for Two featuring the Chenault Duo
    Sunday, May 18 – 4:00 p.m.
    Location: First Lutheran Church, Carlisle
    David Erickson, host

  • Next Lunch bunch will be May 21 at 11:30. To register please email Shawn Gingrich.

  • Annual Banquet and Meeting - June 30. The cost per person will be $25.00.  Spouses and guests are welcome.  Please make reservations by Friday June 13. Register using this link: or send a check for $25 to Shawn Gingrich 1102 Ballyshannon Drive, Elizabethtown PA 17022. Note: DEADLINE 6/13. Visit the Program page for complete details.

  • POE 2025 (June 22 to 27) at LVC hosted by Harrisburg Chapter. We welcome donations in support of this important educational outreach. Send checks made payable to Harrisburg AGO to Shawn Gingrich, 1102 Ballyshannon Dr Elizabethtown PA 17022 or give online using our Zeffy account. You will see an option to support their efforts to make donations fee free but you can give less than they suggest or give nothing if you wish. ONLINE DONATION


  • Sunday, May 23 at 4pm - recital with Robert McCormick at Pine Street Presbyterian Church, 310 N Third St, Harrisburg. Watch the video recording on our YouTube Channel: Download the program.

  • Virtual Members recital. Watch this on our YouTube Channel. Visit the program page for complete details.

  • Tyler Boehmer virtual concert - click the following link to view: YouTube.



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Become a member of our chapter, and help foster growth of choral and organ music in the Harrisburg area.

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