Chapter Programs


  • Annual Scholarship Recital
    Sunday, August 28 – 4 pm
    Venue: Camp Hill Presbyterian Church
    Jerrold Tidwell, host

  • Workshop Saturday
    Clinicians: Dr. Rachel Cornacchio, Dr. Shawn Gingrich, and Dr. Shelly Moorman-Stahlman
    Saturday, October 22 – 9:30 am (gathering) 10 am – 12 pm
    St. Joseph Catholic Church, Mechanicsburg
    Justin Myers, host

  • Preaching to the Choir: The Care and Nurture of the Church Choir
    a workshop with Dr. Wayne Wold
    Saturday, November 19 – 10 am – 12 pm
    Messiah University (choral rehearsal room)
    Shawn Gingrich, host cosponsored by the ACDA Student Chapter

    Wayne's presentation will focus on pastoral care for church choirs, including such topics as choosing music, planning and running rehearsals, dealing with difficult persons, recruiting singers, and pondering what we have learned from the pandemic, all through the lens of caring for our choir members and creating community.

  • Epiphany Party
    Friday, January 6 – 6:30 pm
    St. Catherine Labouré, Harrisburg
    Justin Pechulis and Fr. James Lease, hosts

  • January Jumpstart presented by Philadelphia AGO
    January 28, 2023 9am-4pm at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church
    Tom Trenney will open with a hymn festival, Renée Anne Louprette will close with a recital on the 59-stop, 89-rank Rieger Orgelbau, and Eileen Hunt delivering a keynote speech during lunch. Sessions will be lead by these 3, plus Jeff Brillhart, Mark Miller, Shelly Moorman-Stahlman, Sarah Simko, Michael Smith, and David Storey. Harrisburg Chapter members can receive Throne grants to cover the cost of registration. To register visit

  • Members Recital with Pot-luck Supper - Music by Black composers
    Friday, February 10 – 6:30 potluck – 7:30 recital
    Faith Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg

  • Works by Women Composers presented by students of The Curtis Institute
    Saturday, March 18 – 2:00 pm
    Trinity Lutheran Church, Camp Hill
    Tim Koch, host
    Co-sponsored with Trinity Concert Series

  • Vespers
    Sunday, May 7 – 4:00 PM
    St. Catherine Labouré, Harrisburg
    Justin Pechulis and Fr. James Lease, hosts

    All are invited to Solemn Vespers at St. Catherine Labouré Parish on May 7 at 4:00 PM. The evening will begin with a presentation on Vespers by Fr. Lease, followed by an introduction to chanting by Justin Pechulis. After that, we will all sing Vespers together. The church is located at 4000 Derry Street, Harrisburg; the parking lot can be more easily accessed via Francis Cadden Parkway. All are welcome to attend.  Feel free to come early at 3:30 PM for a cookie reception!

  • Recital and Banquet (deadline to reserve for dinner is May 23)
    Monica Czausz Berney, organist

    Sunday, June 4 – 4:00 p.m.
    Market Square Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg — Tyler Canonico, host
    Monica Czausz Berney, of Washington, D.C., will present a varied and exciting performance on Sunday, June 4, at 4:00 p.m. at Market Square Presbyterian Church, 20 S. Second Street, Harrisburg. Monica will play the 2021 J. Nedra Schilling Organ/Orgues Létourneau Opus 136 of four manuals and 83 ranks. The concert is sponsored by the Harrisburg Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.

    A native of Massachusetts, Monica has made a name for herself as one of the finest organists on the scene today. Known for her creative programming and innovative use of the organ, she was recognized as one of the top 20 organists under 30 in the May 2016 issue of The Diapason. She has received first prize in numerous competitions and has performed at many significant venues across the United States.

    She has performed widely at conventions of the American Guild of Organists and has appeared at three conventions of the Organ Historical Society.  

    The American Organist acclaimed her for "artistic mastery far beyond her years” and The Diapason wrote that "she showed impressive technique and musicianship and a sophisticated use of the organ."

    Monica graduated from Rice University’s Shepherd School of Music in Houston, Texas, in 2017 and from The Curtis Institute of Music in 2019.

    In her June 4 program, Monica will present the following works:

    · Kapustin, Rondo from Sinfonietta

    · Brahms, Sechs Stücke für Klavier

    · Bach, Prelude and Fugue in B Minor

    · Karg-Elert, Sinfonische Kanzone

    · Tchaikovsky, Scherzo from Symphony No. 6

    Monica currently serves as Interim Director of Music at St. Paul’s Parish in Washington, D.C. She is under the exclusive management of Karen McFarlane Artists, Inc.

    Following the free concert, which is open to the public, chapter members and their guests will enjoy dinner and then participate in the Annual Meeting of the chapter.

    Parking will be provided by the church in the Market Square Parking Garage, adjacent to and connected to the church. The entrance to the church from the garage is found on the first full level. You may also use the Event Entrance through the gates near the garage entrance on Second Street.

    The deadline for dinner reservations ($30 per person) is Tuesday, May 23. Reservation checks should be sent to chapter treasurer Shawn Gingrich at 1102 Ballyshannon Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022. You may send reservations electronically using Venmo (@HarrisburgAGO) or Paypal (

    For more information regarding programs, please contact our Sub Dean, Tyler Canonico, via e-mail: or phone: 717.257.1270 ext. 18. 

    All programs (except the banquet) are free and open to the public!


  • Robert McCormick recital on Sunday, May 23 at 4pm at Pine Street Presbyterian Church, 310 N Third St, Harrisburg. Watch the video recording on our YouTube Channel: Download the program.

  • Virtual Concert by Chapter members Helen Anthony, Tyler Canonico, Justin Myers, and Grant Wareham with guest appearance by concert organist Scott Montgomery. Music included: Bach’s Fantasy and Fugue in A minor, Bonnet’s Variations de Concert, Haan’s Passacaglia on the Passion Chorale, Guilmant’s March on a Theme by Handel, Gounod’s Funeral March of a Marionette (trans Best), Pardini’s Toccata on Amazing Grace, Sowerby’s Pageant, and Elgar’s Sonata in G, second movement “Allegretto”. Watch the video on our YouTube Channel -

  • Tyler Boehmer virtual concert - click the following link to view: YouTube.

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