St. Lawrence Chapel (Roman Catholic)

110 State Street, Harrisburg

Felgemaker Organ (1885), rebuilt and enlarged R. J. Brunner & Co (2010).

2 Manuals and Pedal, 28 Ranks, 1616 pipes

Electro-pneumatic and electric action.

26 ranks


Great (61 notes)
8’ Principal 61 new pipes
8’ Hohlflote 61 existing pipes, revoiced
8’ Gemshorn 61 new pipes
8’ Dulciana 61 existing pipes
4’ Octave 61 existing pipes
4’ Flute d’Amour 61 existing pipes
2 2/3’ Twelfth 61 existing pipes
2’ Fifteenth 61 existing pipes
III Mixture 183 new pipes
8’ Trumpet 61 new pipes
8’ Clarinet from Swell
4’ Clarion from Trumpet, 12 pipes
Swell (61 notes, enclosed)
16’ Gedeckt 61 existing pipes
8’ Geigen Principal 61 existing pipes
8’ Stopped Diapason 61 existing pipes
8’ Salicional 61 existing pipes
8’ TC Vox Celeste 49 existing pipes
4’ Gemshorn 61 existing pipes
4’ Harmonic Flute 61 existing pipes
2’ Piccolo 61 existing pipes
II Sesquialtera 122 new pipes
8’ Oboe 61 new pipes
8’ Clarinet 61 new pipes
8’ Trumpet from Great
Pedal (32 notes)
16’ Open Diapason 32 existing open wood pipes
16’ Subbass 32 existing stopped wood pipes
16’ Lieblich Gedeckt from Swell
8’ Octave 32 existing façade and other pipes
8’ Bass Flute from Subbass, 12 pipes
4’ Choral Bass from Octave 8’, 12 pipes
4’ Flute from Swell 16’
16’ Trombone 32 new pipes
8’ Trumpet from Great

16’, 8’, and 4’ Swell to Great
8’, 4’ Great to Pedal
8’, 4’ Swell to Pedal
Great and Swell to Pedal 8’ reversibles on thumb and toe pistons

Swell and Crescendo shoes
Sforzando reversible