Hostetter Chapel, Messiah College

Grantham, Pennsylvania

W. Zimmer & Sons, Inc. - 1974
38 ranks - 2,009 pipes


Great Organ

16’ Quintadena 61 pipes
8’ Principal 61 pipes
8’ Gedackt 1     61 pipes
4’ Octave 61 pipes
4’ Spitzflöte 61 pipes
2’ Super Octave 61 pipes
IV-VI Mixture (1 1/3’) 232 pipes
8’ Trompete 61 pipes
8’ Swell to Great
8’ Positiv to Great
Chimes (Deagan) 21 bells

Swell Organ

8’ Rohrflöte 2 61 pipes
8’ Salicional 3 61 pipes
8’ Celeste (TC) 49 pipes
4’ Principal 61 pipes
4’ Koppelflöte 61 notes
2’ Blockflöte 61 notes
II Sesquialter (TC) 98 pipes
8’ Fagott 61 pipes

positiv Organ

8’ Holtzgedackt 4 61 pipes
8’ Gemshorn 5 61 pipes
4’ Spillflöte 61 pipes
2’ Principal 61 pipes
1 1/3’ Nasat 61 pipes
III Scharf (1’) 183 pipes
8’ Krummhorn 61 pipes
8’ Swell to Positiv

Pedal Organ

16’ Subbass 6 32 pipes
16’ Quintadena (from Great)
8’ Octave 32 pipes
8’ Rohrbass 7 32 pipes
4’ Choralbass 32 pipes
4’ Spitzflöte 32 pipes
III Mixture (2 2/3’) 96 pipes
16’ Fagott 32 pipes
4’ Schalmei 32 pipes
8’ Great to Pedal
8’ Swell to Pedal
8’ Positiv to Pedal

1 (Capped Metal)
2 (1-12 stopped, 13-61 inverted chimneys)
3 (1-12 stopped, 13-61 open)
(1-48 wood, 49-61 metal)
5 (1-12 stopped, 13-61 open)
6 (1-12 stopped wood, 13-32 stopped metal)
7 (inverted chimneys)

Combinations and Controls

5 Generals duplicated on toe studs
3 Divisional pistons on each division (Pedal also duplicated on toe studs)
Crescendo Pedal with indicator