The Cathedral Church of Saint Stephen
221 North Front Street, Harrisburg

M. P. Möller Opus R-865 (1973)
39 ranks - 2,433 pipes
Allen Renaissance R-330 (2003)
63 digital ranks
Great Organ
16’ Violone | 61 notes |
8’ Principal | 61 pipes |
8’ Diapason | 61 notes |
8’ Metal Gedackt* (transferable to Choir manual) | 61 pipes |
8’ Harmonic Flute | 61 notes |
4’ Octave | 61 pipes |
4’ Geigen | 61 notes |
4’ Koppelflöte *(transferable to Choir manual) | 61 pipes |
4’ Spitzflöte | 61 notes |
2 2/3’ Twelfth | 61 notes |
2’ Fifteenth *(transferable to Choir manual) | 61 pipes |
2’ Waldflöte | 61 pipes |
III-IV Mixture | 220 pipes |
IV Fourniture | 244 notes |
II Sesquialtera* (transferable to Choir manual) | 98 pipes |
8’ Trompete | 61 notes |
8’ State Trumpet (in Swell chamber) | 61 notes |
Chimes (Choir) | 25 tubes |
Tremolo | |
Great-Pedal Second Voices | |
Choir to Great Melody Coupler | |
Great to Choir Manual Transfer | |
*Great-Choir Cornet Transfer |
Swell Organ
16’ Lieblichgedeckt | 61 notes |
8’ Rohrflöte | 73 pipes |
8’ Viola Pomposa | 61 notes |
8’ Viola Celeste | 61 notes |
8’ Salicional | 73 pipes |
8’ Vox Celeste (TC) | 61 pipes |
4’ Principal | 73 pipes |
4’ Octave Geigen | 61 notes |
4’ Traverseflöte | 61 notes |
2 2/3’ Nasard | 61 notes |
2’ Flageolet | 61 pipes |
2’ Piccolo | 61 notes |
1 3/5’ Tierce | 61 notes |
IV Fourniture | 244 notes |
III Scharf | 183 pipes |
16’ Waldhorn | 61 notes |
8’ Trompette | 73 pipes |
8’ Trumpet | 61 notes |
8’ Hautbois | 61 notes |
8’ Vox Humana | 73 pipes |
Tremolo | |
Swell Second Voices | |
16’ Swell | |
Unison Off | |
4’ Swell |
Choir Organ
16’ Erzähler (extension of 8’ Erzähler) | 61 notes |
8’ Diapason* | 61 pipes |
8’ Holtzgedackt | 61 notes |
8’ Flute Conique* | 73 pipes |
8’ Flute Celeste (TC)* | 61 pipes |
8’ Erzähler | 61 notes |
8’ Erzähler Celeste | 61 notes |
4’ Prinzipal | 61 notes |
4’ Spillflöte | 61 notes |
4’ Flûte Triangulaire | 73 pipes |
4’ Erzähler Celeste II | 61 notes |
2 2/3’ Nazard* | 61 pipes |
2’ Octave | 61 notes |
1 3/5’ Quintflöte | 61 notes |
III Zimbel | 183 notes |
8’ Festival Trumpet | 61 notes |
8’ Krummhorn | 61 notes |
8’ Clarinet* | 73 pipes |
8’ State Trumpet (in Swell chamber) | 61 pipes |
Chimes | 25 tubes |
Tremolo | |
Choir Percussions | |
16’ Choir* | |
Unison Off | |
4’ Choir* |
Antiphonal Organ
16’ Bourdon | 97 pipes |
8’ Diapason | 73 pipes |
8’ Gedeckt(from Antiphonal Bourdon) | 73 notes |
8’ Viole Sordine | 73 pipes |
8’ Viole Celeste (TC) | 61 pipes |
8’ Vox Angelica | 73 pipes |
4’ Vox Angelica(from Antiphonal 8’ Vox Angelica) | 61 notes |
4’ Flute d′Amore (from Antiphonal Bourdon) | 73 notes |
2 2/3’ Nazard (from Antiphonal Bourdon) | 61 notes |
2’ Piccolo (from Antiphonal Bourdon) | 61 notes |
8’ State Trumpet (in Swell chamber) | 61 pipes |
Chimes (Choir) | 25 tubes |
Tremolo |
Pedal Organ
32’ Contre Violone (extension of Great Violone) | 32 notes |
32’ Bourdon (bottom 5 notes are resultants) | 51 pipes |
16’ Diapason | 32 notes |
16’ Contre Basse | 56 pipes |
16’ Subbass (from Pedal Bourdon) | 32 notes |
16’ Violone (from Great Violone) | 32 notes |
16’ Bourdon | 32 notes |
16’ Flute Conique (extension of Choir 8’ Flute Conique) | 12 pipes |
16’ Lieblichgedeckt (from Swell Lieblichgedeckt) | 32 notes |
8’ Principal (from Pedal Contrebasse) | 32 notes |
8’ Octave(from Pedal Diapason) | 32 notes |
8’ Rohrflöte (from Swell Rohrflöte) | 32 notes |
8’ Bourdon | 32 notes |
8’ Gedackt (from Pedal Bourdon) | 32 notes |
4’ Octave (from Pedal Contre Basse) | 32 notes |
4’ Choralbass | 32 notes |
4’ Flûte | 32 notes |
III Mixture | 96 pipes |
32’ Contre Bombarde (extension of Pedal Trompete) | 32 notes |
16’ Posaune (extension of Swell 8’ Trompette) | 12 pipes |
16’ Bombarde | 32 notes |
8’ Trompette (from Swell 8’ Trompette) | 32 notes |
8’ Trompete | 32 notes |
4’ Clairon (from Swell 8’ Trompette) | 32 notes |
4’ Basson (from Pedal Bombarde) | 32 notes |
8’ State Trumpet (in Swell chamber) | 61 pipes |
Chimes (Choir) | 25 tubes |
16’ Bourdon(from Antiphonal Bourdon) | 32 notes |
16’ Vox Angelica(extension of Antiphonal Vox Angelica) | 12 pipes |
8’ Gedeckt (from Antiphonal Bourdon) | 32 notes |
16’ Prinzipal
16’ Subbass
8’ Oktav
32’ Kontra Posaune
16’ Poscaune
Second Voices
8’ Principal
8’ Holtzgedackt
4’ Oktav
8’ Orchestral FLute
8’ Clarinet
8’ French Horn
8’ Cor Anglais
8’ Great to Pedal | 8’ Choir to Pedal * |
16’ Swell to Great | 8’ Antiphonal to Choir |
16’ Swell to Choir | 8’ Antiphonal to Great |
16’ Choir to Great * | 8’ Antiphonal to Swell |
8’ Swell to Great | 4’ Choir to Pedal |
8’ Swell to Choir | 4’ Antiphonal to Choir |
8’ Choir to Great | 4’ Antiphonal to Great |
8’ Swell to Pedal | 4’ Antiphonal to Swell |
4’ Swell to Great | 8’ Antiphonal to Pedal |
4’ Swell to Choir | 8’ Pedal to Great |
4’ Choir to Great * | 8’ Great to Antiphonal |
4’ Swell to Pedal | Console Monitor Off |
16’ Antiphonal to Choir | 4’ Antiphonal to Pedal |
16’ Antiphonal to Great | |
16’ Antiphonal to Swell |
Key Cheek Pistons
16’ Antiphonal to Antiphonal
Antiphonal Unison Off
4’ Antiphonal to Antiphonal
MIDI on Antiphonal
MIDI on Choir
MIDI on Great
MIDI on Pedal
MIDI on Swell
Great Cornet/Choir Division Transfer
Signal to Narthex
Signal to Sacristy
Tower Bells
Choir Chimes
Chime Dampers
Choir Percussions
8’ Great to Pedal
8’ Swell to Pedal
8’ Choir to Pedal
8’ Antiphonal to Pedal
8’ Swell to Great
8’ Choir to Great
8’ Antiphonal to Great
8’ Swell to Choir
8’ Antiphonal to Choir
32’ Contre Violone
32’ Bourdon
32’ Contre Bombarde
Tutti I
Tutti II
All Swells to Swell
16 levels of memory
Generals: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 (toe studs 1-10)Great: 1-2-3-4-5-6
Swell: 1-2-3-4-5-6
Choir: 1-2-3-4-5-6
Antiphonal: 1-2-3-4-5-6
Pedal: 1-2-3-4-5-6 (toe studs only)
Other Items
Air Regulator
Walnut drawknob stems
Walnut drawknob faces
Wood rocker tab faces
Walnut manual and pedal sharps
Adjustable lattice music rack with Lucite overlay
Allen Smart Recorder
MIDI Division II (100 additional voices)
Four manual console with two-tone custom finish in oak
Adjustable bench with backrest
2 blower micro cut-off switches
Balanced Antiphonal, Choir, Swell/Great and Crescendo pedals