Hostetter Chapel, Messiah College
Grantham, Pennsylvania
W. Zimmer & Sons, Inc. - 1974
38 ranks - 2,009 pipes
Great Organ
16’ Quintadena | 61 pipes |
8’ Principal | 61 pipes |
8’ Gedackt 1 | 61 pipes |
4’ Octave | 61 pipes |
4’ Spitzflöte | 61 pipes |
2’ Super Octave | 61 pipes |
IV-VI Mixture (1 1/3’) | 232 pipes |
8’ Trompete | 61 pipes |
8’ Swell to Great | |
8’ Positiv to Great | |
Chimes (Deagan) | 21 bells |
Swell Organ
8’ Rohrflöte 2 | 61 pipes |
8’ Salicional 3 | 61 pipes |
8’ Celeste (TC) | 49 pipes |
4’ Principal | 61 pipes |
4’ Koppelflöte | 61 notes |
2’ Blockflöte | 61 notes |
II Sesquialter (TC) | 98 pipes |
8’ Fagott | 61 pipes |
Tremolo |
positiv Organ
8’ Holtzgedackt 4 | 61 pipes |
8’ Gemshorn 5 | 61 pipes |
4’ Spillflöte | 61 pipes |
2’ Principal | 61 pipes |
1 1/3’ Nasat | 61 pipes |
III Scharf (1’) | 183 pipes |
8’ Krummhorn | 61 pipes |
8’ Swell to Positiv |
Pedal Organ
16’ Subbass 6 | 32 pipes |
16’ Quintadena (from Great) | |
8’ Octave | 32 pipes |
8’ Rohrbass 7 | 32 pipes |
4’ Choralbass | 32 pipes |
4’ Spitzflöte | 32 pipes |
III Mixture (2 2/3’) | 96 pipes |
16’ Fagott | 32 pipes |
4’ Schalmei | 32 pipes |
8’ Great to Pedal | |
8’ Swell to Pedal | |
8’ Positiv to Pedal |
1 (Capped Metal)
2 (1-12 stopped, 13-61 inverted chimneys)
3 (1-12 stopped, 13-61 open)
4 (1-48 wood, 49-61 metal)
5 (1-12 stopped, 13-61 open)
6 (1-12 stopped wood, 13-32 stopped metal)
7 (inverted chimneys)
Combinations and Controls
5 Generals duplicated on toe studs
3 Divisional pistons on each division (Pedal also duplicated on toe studs)
Crescendo Pedal with indicator