Calvin and Janet High Center
for Worship and Performing Arts
Messiah College

Grantham, Pennsylvania

 Reuter Organ, Opus 1148, 1955 (originally for Millersville University)
Relocated, Rebuilt, and Enlarged by S. D. G. Organ Company, 2013
45 ranks (2,743 pipes), 3 digital "ranks", playable on 3 manuals and pedal
New ranks are marked *   Facade pipe ranks are marked +


Great Organ

16’ Double Open Diapason*+ 61 pipes
16’ Quintaten 61 pipes
8’ Open Diapason* 61 pipes
8’ Spitzflöte 61 pipes
4’ Octave* 61 pipes
4’ Rohrflöte 61 pipes
2 2/3’ Twelfth 61 pipes
2’ Fifteenth 61 pipes
IV Fourniture (1 1/3’) 244 pipes
8’ Trumpet* 61 pipes
8’ Trompette Heroïque (from Choir)
16’ Great to Great
4’ Great to Great
Great Unison Off

Swell Organ

16’ Lieblich Gedeckt 68 pipes
8’ Principal (formerly in Great) 68 pipes
8’ Rohrflöte 68 pipes
8’ Viole de Gambe 68 pipes
8’ Viole Celeste 68 pipes
4’ Octave (formerly in Great) 68 pipes
4’ Flauto Traverso 68 pipes
2’ Super Octave (formerly at 4′, extended to 2') 61 pipes
III Plein Jeu
16’ Bombarde* 183 pipes
8’ Trompette 68 pipes
8’ Trompette Heroïque (from Choir) 68 pipes
8’ Hautbois
8′ Vox Humana 68 pipes
4’ Clairon 61 pipes
Tremulant 68 pipes
16’ Swell to Swell
4’ Swell to Swell
Swell Unison Off

Choir Organ

8’ Copula 68 pipes
8’ Erzähler 68 pipes
8’ Erzähler Celeste 68 pipes
4’ Zauberflöte 68 pipes
2 2/3’ Nazard 61 pipes
2’ Nachthorn 61 pipes
1 3/5’ Tierce 61 pipes
1’ Sifflöte 61 pipes
8’ Trompette Heroïque* 61 pipes
Krummhorn 68 pipes
Chimes (Deagan with 5 position volume control) 21 tubes
16’ Choir to Choir
4’ Choir to Choir
Choir Unison Off


32’ Double Open Wood* Digital
32’ Contra Bourdon* Digital
16’ Open Wood* (1-12 wood, 13 up former pipes rescaled to match) 32 pipes
16’ Open Diapason (from Great)
16’ Bourdon+
16’ Quintaten (from Great) 32 pipes
16’ Lieblich Gedeckt (from Swell)
8’ Principal+*
8’ Flute Ouverte (ext 16’) 32 pipes
8’ Quintaten (from Great) 12 pipes
8’ Lieblich Gedeckt (from Swell)
4’ Choral Bass (ext. 8’)
4’ Flute Ouverte (ext. 16’) 12 pipes
II Rausch Quint+* 12 pipes
V Grand Çornet (derived from 16′ Bourdon)* 64 pipes
32’ Contra Posaune*
16’ Posaune
16’ Bombarde (from Swell) Digital
8’ Posaune 32 pipes
8’ Trompette Heroïque (from Choir)
4’ Clarion (ext. 16’) 12 pipes
Chimes (from Choir sounding 8va)


Great to Pedal 8 & 4’
Swell to Pedal 8 & 4’
Choir to Pedal 8 & 4’
Swell to Great 16, 8, 4’
Choir to Great 16, 8, 4’
Swell to Choir 16, 8, 4’
Choir to Swell 8 


12 general pistons duplicated on toe studs
5 divisional pistons on each division with pedal duplicated on toe studs
Reversibles (thumb and toe) Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal, Choir to Pedal
Reversibles (thumb) Swell to Great, Choir to Great, Swell to Choir
Reversibles (toe) for all 32' Pedal stops
Tutti I & II reversibles (thumb and toe) with indicator light
Zimbelstern reversible (toe)
General cancellor
Transposer (on / off) on thumb – separate switch +6 and -5 half steps
250 memory levels
Registration sequencer
Alt, Set, (thumb) Up, Down (thumb and toe)
Manual Transfer (Gr and Ch)
Auto solo, Auto solo tenor
MIDI (2 channels for each division)
Crescendo pedal with indicator light 
Record / Playback device