St. John's Lutheran Church


Wicks Organ Company, Opus 5061 - 1970

Rebuilt and Enlarged by Hagerstown Organ Company - 2012
36 ranks, 31 digital ranks


Great organ

16’   Gemshorn (digital)
8’     Principal 61 pipes
8’     Flûte Harmonique (digital)
8’     Rohrflute 61 pipes
8’     Dolce 61 pipes
4’     Octave 61 pipes
4’     Flute Conique 61 pipes
2 2/3’ Twelfth
2’     Fifteenth 61 pipes
1 3/5’ Seventeenth (digital)
III  Mixture (1 1/3’) 183 pipes
8’  Trumpet (digital)
8’  Clarinet (digital)
8’  Hautbois (from Swell) 61 pipes
     Chimes 21 bells
     Harp (digital)

swell organ

8’     Geigen Principal (new pipework) 61 pipes
8’     Gedeckt 61 pipes
8’     Viole d'Gamba (new pipework 61 pipes
8’     Vox Celeste (TC) (new pipework) 49 pipes
4’     Spitzflute 61 pipes
4’     Geigen Octave 61 pipes
2 2/3’ Nasat 61 pipes
2’     Flachflute 61 pipes
1 3/5’ Tierce (digital)
IV     Plein Jeu (2’) (digital)
16’   Fagotto (digital)
8’     Trompette 61 pipes
4’     Clarion (digital) 61 pipes

Chancel organ

8’     Gemshorn (new pipework) 61 pipes
8’     Flûte Couverte (new pipework) 61 pipes
8’     Concert Flute (digital)
8’     Dulciana (digital)
8’     Unda Maris (digital)
4’     Spitz Principal (new pipework) 61 pipes
4’     Spillflute (new pipework) 61 pipes
2’     Blockflute (new pipework) 61 pipes
1 1/3’ Larigot (new pipework) 61 pipes
1’     Sifflote (new pipework) 61 pipes
8’     English Horn (digital)
8’     Harmonic Trumpet (new pipework) 61 pipes
8’     English Tuba (digital) 61 pipes

Pedal organ

32’  Contra Violone (digital)
32’  Contra Bourdon (from Swell, digital)
16’ Principal (digital)
16’ Gedeckt (digital)
16’ Violone (former Wicks Principal renamed) 56 pipes
16’ Gedeckt (in Chancel, digital)
16' Bourdon (in Swell) 32 pipes
16’ Dulciana (in Chancel, digital)
8’ Octave (from 16’ Violone)
8’  Gedeckt (digital)
8’  Gedecktflute (in Chancel, digital)
8’ Copula 44 pipes
4’ Choral Bass (from 16’ Violone)
4’ Flöten Bass (from 8’ Copula)
II  Mixture (2 2/3’) (digital)
32’  Contra Fagotto (in Swell, digital)
16’ Posaune (ext. Swell) 12 pipes
16’  Fagotto (from Swell, digital)
8’ Trompette (from Swell)
4’ Rohr Schalmei (in Swell)


8’ Great to Pedal  16’ Swell to Great 16’ Swell to Swell
4’ Great to Pedal 8’ Swell to Great Swell Unison Off
4’ Swell to Great 4’ Swell to Swell
8’ Swell to Pedal
4’ Swell to Pedal 16’ Great to Great 4’ Chancel to Chancel
Choir Unison Off  
  4’ Great to Great