First Evangelical Lutheran Church
21 South Bedford Street, Carlisle
Great Organ
(Manual 2)
16’ Geigen Principal | 61 pipes |
8’ Principal | 61 pipes |
8’ Bourdon | 61 pipes |
4’ Octave | 61 pipes |
4’ Flute Traverso | 61 pipes |
2 2/3’ Nasat | 61 pipes |
2’ Principal Flute | 61 pipes |
1 3/5’ Tierce (TC) | 44 pipes |
IV Mixture (1 1/3’) | 244 pipes |
8’ Trompete | 61 pipes |
8’ Trompette Harmonique (from Solo) | |
Chimes (in Swell box) | 25 bells |
Swell Organ
(Manual 3)
16’ Bourdon | 12 pipes |
8’ Flute conique | 61 pipes |
8’ Flute a cheminee | 61 pipes |
8’ Viole de Gambe | 61 pipes |
8’ Viole Celeste | 61 pipes |
4’ Principal | 61 pipes |
4’ Flute Ouverte | 61 pipes |
III Plein Jeu (2’) | 183 pipes |
16’ Basson | 61 pipes |
8’ Trompette | 61 pipes |
8’ Hautbois | 61 pipes |
8’ Vox Humana | 61 pipes |
4’ Clairon | 61 pipes |
Tremulant | |
Swell 16′ | |
Swell 4′ | |
Swell Unison Off |
Positiv Organ
(Manual 1)
8’ Holtz Gedackt | 61 pipes |
4’ Rohrflöte | 61 pipes |
2’ Principal | 61 pipes |
1 1/3’ Klein-nasat | 61 pipes |
III Scharf (1’) | 183 pipes |
8’ Krummhorn | 61 pipes |
Tremulant | |
Positive Unison Off |
Solo Organ
8’ Solo Gamba | 61 pipes |
8’ Orchestral Flute | 61 pipes |
8’ Dolcan | 61 pipes |
8’ Unda Maris | 49 pipes |
4’ Night Horn | 61 pipes |
2 2/3’ Twelfth | 61 pipes |
2’ Flute a bec | 61 pipes |
1 3/5’ Seventeenth | 56 pipes |
8’ Trompette Harmonique | 61 pipes |
Tremulant | |
Harp (prepared for) | |
Solo Sub 16′ | |
Solo Super 4′ |
Pedal Organ
32’ Bourdon | (digital) | |
16’ Contrebasse | 32 pipes | |
16’ Subbass | 32 pipes | |
16’ Geigen Principal | (from Great) | |
16’ Bourdon | (from Swell) | |
16’ Major Bass | (digital) | |
8’ Principal | 32 pipes | |
8’ Bourdon | 12 pipes | |
4’ Choralbass | 32 pipes | |
4’ Hohlflöte | 32 pipes | |
III Mixture (2 2/3’) | 96 pipes | |
32’ Kontrabombard | (digital) | |
32’ Basson | (digital) | |
16’ Posaune | 32 pipes | |
16’ Basson | (from Swell) | |
8’ Trompete | 12 pipes | |
4’ Klarine | (from Great) | |
Chimes | (from Great sounding 8va) |
8’ Great to Pedal | 16’ Swell to Great | 16’ Positiv to Great | 16’ Swell to Positiv |
8’ Swell to Great | 8’ Positiv to Great | 8’ Swell to Positiv | |
8’ Swell to Pedal | 4’ Swell to Great | 4’ Swell to Positiv | |
4’ Swell to Pedal | Solo on Great | ||
16’ Positiv to Swell | Solo on Swell | ||
8’ Positiv to Pedal | 8’ Positiv to Swell | Solo on Positiv | |
Solo on Pedal |
Five pistons on each division each on thumb pistons, with pedal division also duplicated on toe studs.
Ten General pistons and General cancel on thumb pistons, also duplicated on toe studs.
Great to Pedal (reversible on toe stud and thumb piston)
Swell to Great (reversible on thumb piston)
Positiv to Great (reversible on thumb piston)
Tutti 1 and Tutti 2 with indicator (programmable) (reversibles on toe and thumb pistons)
Zimbelstern (reversible on toe piston)
Crescendo Pedal (fixed sequence, also Alternate programmable sequence with indicator)
Swell expression pedal
Solo expression pedal
32' Bourdon Reversible (toe)
32' Bombarde Reversible (toe)