Hershey Theatre

Hershey, Pennsylvania

Entrepreneur and philanthropist Milton S. Hershey realized the importance of providing opportunities for recreation and entertainment for his workers and residents of the community he had created. One of his earliest dreams was the construction of a community building, housing a large, well-equipped legitimate theatre, built for the benefit of the people in the area.
In 1915, plans were developed for a community building. The building was scheduled to be constructed in 1916 but the arrival of World War I stalled the plan. The Hershey Community Building and Theatre would not be constructed until 1929. The Community Building and Theatre were constructed during the Great Depression as part of Hershey’s great building campaign. The Community Building and Theatre were built following the original 1915 plans. When completed, the building solidly stood in the center of town, spanning the block between Chocolate and Caracas Avenues, and bordered on the West by Cocoa Avenue.
Behind the French doors of the front balconies are the 4,789 pipes and 25 bells of the theatre’s historic Aeolian-Skinner organ. This 69-rank instrument was designed in Boston by Ernest M. Skinner in 1931, and was finished by G. Donald Harrison, following Mr. Hershey’s exact specifications.  A restoration of the organ, completed in 1983, entailed totally dismantling the organ and its components; releathering, cleaning all the pipes; and repairing the electrical contacts.  Then the great instrument was meticulously reassembled, re-voiced, and tuned.  The whole process took approximately two years. This work was done by Berger & Shaffer. Later in 1987, A. Thompson-Allen Co. restored the console. The organ console has four manuals: Choir, Great, Swell, and Solo, plus a floating Fanfare.  The console sits on a hydraulic lift, which stops two stories below stage level, and raises to the level of the orchestra pit.  It also is mounted on a turntable which enables the organist to turn 90 degrees, either fully facing the stage or turning to a right angle.


Great Organ

16’ Diapason 73 pipes
8’ First Diapason 73 pipes
8’ Second Diapason 73 pipes
8’ Third Diapason 73 pipes
8’ Harmonic Flute 73 pipes
8’ Clarabella 73 pipes
8’ Gemshorn 73 pipes
4’ Octave 73 pipes
4’ Waldflute 73 pipes
2 2/3’ Twelfth 61 pipes
2’ Fifteenth 61 pipes
V Mixture (2’) 305 pipes
16’ Ophicleide 73 pipes
8’ Tromba 73 pipes
4’ Clarion 73 pipes
Chimes (from solo)
Harp (from choir)
Celeste (from choir)

Swell Organ

16’ Bourdon 73 pipes
8’ Diapason 73 pipes
8’ Salicional 73 pipes
8’ Vox Celeste 73 pipes
8’ Viole d’Orchestre 73 pipes
8’ Viole Celeste 73 pipes
8’ Gedeckt 73 pipes
8’ Spitz Flute 73 pipes
8’ Flute Celeste (TC) 61 pipes
4’ Octave 73 pipes
4’ Harmonic Flute 73 pipes
2’ Piccolo 61 pipes
III Mixture (2 2/3’) 183 pipes
IV Mixture (2’) 244 pipes
16’ Posaune 73 pipes
8’ French Trumpet 73 pipes
8’ Cornopean 73 pipes
8’ Oboe 73 pipes
8’ Vox Humana 73 pipes
4’ Clarion 73 pipes
Chimes (from solo)
Harp (from choir)
Celeste (from choir)

Choir organ

16’ Contra Gemshorn 97 pipes
8’ Diapason 73 pipes
8’ Gemshorn (from 16’)
8’ Gamba 73 pipes
8’ Gamba Celeste 73 pipes
8’ Concert Flute 73 pipes
8’ Dulciana 73 pipes
8’ Unda Maris (TC) 61 pipes
4’ Flute d’amore 73 pipes
2 2/3’ Nazard (from Gemshorn)
2’ Piccolo (from Gemshorn)
1 3/5’ Tierce (from Gemshorn)
1 1/7’ Septième (from Gemshorn)
V Mixture (draws five pitches) [1]
8’ Clarinet 73 pipes
8’ Musette 73 pipes
8’ Orchestral Oboe 73 pipes
Chimes (from solo)

[1] Specification states this, but in reality it draws the 2 2/3’, 1 3/5’, 1 1/7’ and adds a 1 1/3’ - it must have been changed from the original.

Fanfare Organ
(enclosed - floating)

16’ Contra Post Horn 85 pipes
8’ English Post Horn (from 16’)
8’ Harmonic Trumpet 73 pipes
8’ Trumpet Militaire 73 pipes
4’ Clarion 73 pipes

solo organ

8’ Orchestral Flute 73 pipes
8’ ‘Cello 73 pipes
8’ ‘Cello Celeste 73 pipes
8’ English Horn 73 pipes
8’ French Horn 73 pipes
8’ Tuba 73 pipes
Chimes (Deagan) 25 bells
Harp (from choir)
Celeste (from choir)

Pedal organ

32’ Resultant (quints Bourdon
on the Diapason 1-12)
16’ Diapason 56 pipes
16’ Violone 32 pipes
16’ Bourdon 56 pipes
16’ Second Diapason (from Great)
16’ Contra Gemshorn (from Choir)
16’ Lieblich Gedeckt (from Swell)
8’ Octave (from Diapason)
8’ Flute (from Bourdon)
8’ Gemshorn (from Choir)
8’ Gedeckt  (from Swell)
4’ Super Octave (from Diapason)
4’ Flute (from Bourdon)
32’ Bombarde (ext. Trombone) 12 pipes
16’ Trombone 56 pipes
16’ Posaune (from Swell)
8’ Tromba (from Trombone)
4’ Clarion (from Trombone)
Chimes plays at 4’ (from Solo)


Great to Pedal 8’ & 4’ Swell to Great 16’, 8’, 4’
Swell to Pedal  8’ & 4’ Swell to Choir 16’, 8’, 4’
Choir to Pedal  8’ & 4’ Choir to Great 16’, 8’, 4’
Solo to Pedal  8’ & 4’ Solo to Great 16’, 8’, 4’
Fanfare to Pedal  8’ & 4’ Solo to Swell 8’
Great to Great 16’, 4’, Unison Off Solo to Choir 16’, 8’, 4’
Swell to Swell 16’, 4’, Unison Off
Choir to Choir 16’, 4’, Unison Off
Solo to Solo 16’, 4’, Unison Off


(double-touch divisional pistons engage corresponding Pedal combinations)

General 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 (thumb and toe)
Great 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 (thumb)
Swell 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 (thumb)
Choir 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 (thumb)
Solo 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 (thumb)
Pedal 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 (single-touch thumb and toe)
Fanfare 1-2-3-4 (single-touch thumb)
General Cancel (Two thumb (one below choir manual on right, one on piston row))
Divisional Cancel (thumb (one per division))
Combination set (thumb)
Great to Pedal Reversible (thumb and toe)
Swell to Pedal Reversible (thumb and toe)
Choir to Pedal Reversible (thumb and toe)
Solo to Pedal Reversible (thumb and toe)
Sforzando (thumb and toe with indicator light)


Great, Swell, Choir and Solo expression shoes
Register Crescendo shoe with indicator light
Crescendo check 1-2-3-4-5 five-step shoe break with indicator
Crescendo check cancel
Fanfare expression inter-canceling pistons
All Swells to Swell thumb and toe with indicator light
Chimes Dampers on / off inter-canceling pistons
Celesta Dampers on / off inter-canceling pistons