Emmanuel United Church of Christ
124 Broadway, Hanover, Pennsylvania
Skinner (1930 and 1965) — Möller (1972) — Peragallo (2012), Opus 720
51 Ranks — 3,120 pipes
Great Organ
16’ Quintade | 61 pipes |
8’ Principal | 61 pipes |
8’ Holz Gedackt | 61 pipes |
4’ Octave | 61 pipes |
4’ Spitzflöte | 61 pipes |
2’ Fifteenth | 61 pipes |
III-IV Fourniture | 232 pipes |
8’ Festival Trumpet (prepared) | |
8’ Trumpet (in Ch) | 61 pipes |
4’ Clarion (in Ch) | 61 pipes |
Tremulant (Flues only) | |
Great Sub | |
Great Unison Off | |
Great Super | |
Chimes (Echo) | |
MIDI 7 | |
MIDI 8 | |
MIDI 9 | |
Cymbelstern (on toe stud) |
Swell Organ
8’ Spitz Gedackt | 73 pipes |
8’ Viola Pomposa | 73 pipes |
8’ Viola Celeste | 73 pipes |
8’ Flute Celeste II | 134 pipes |
4’ Prestant | 73 pipes |
4’ Koppel Flöte | 73 pipes |
2’ Octavin | 73 pipes |
III Mixture | 183 pipes |
16’ Contre Hautbois | 12 pipes |
8’ Festival Trumpet (prepared) | |
8’ Trompette | 73 pipes |
8’ Hautbois | 73 pipes |
Tremulant | |
Swell Sub | |
Swell Unison Off | |
Swell Super | |
MIDI 4 | |
MIDI 5 | |
MIDI 6 |
Choir Organ
8’ Rohrflöte | 73 pipes |
8’ Dulciana | 73 pipes |
4’ Gemshorn | 73 pipes |
2 2/3’ Nasat | 61 pipes |
2’ Blockflöte | 61 pipes |
1 3/5’ Tierce | 61 pipes |
1’ Sifflöte | 61 pipes |
8’ Clarinet | 73 pipes |
8’ Festival Trumpet (prepared) | |
Harp (prepared) | |
Celesta (prepared) | |
Tremulant | |
Choir Sub | |
Choir Unison Off | |
Choir Super | |
MIDI 10 | |
MIDI 11 | |
MIDI 12 |
Echo Organ
8’ Diapason | 73 pipes |
8’ Cor de Nuit | 73 pipes |
4’ Octave | 73 pipes |
4’ Chimney Flöte | 73 pipes |
III Dolce Cornet | 183 pipes |
8’ Festival Trumpet (prepared) | |
8’ Trumpet | 73 pipes |
8’ Vox Humana | 73 pipes |
Tremulant | |
Echo Sub | |
Echo Unison Off | |
Echo Super | |
Chimes (25 tubes) | |
MIDI 13 | |
MIDI 14 | |
MIDI 15 |
pedal organ
32’ Contre Bass (resultant) | |
32’ Contre Bourdon (resultant) | |
16’ Contre Bass | 32 pipes |
16’ Bourdon | 32 pipes |
16’ Quintade (Great) | |
8’ Octave | 12 pipes |
8’ Bourdon | 12 pipes |
4’ Choral Bass | 32 pipes |
4’ Spitzflöte | 32 pipes |
2’ Spitzflöte | 12 pipes |
III Mixture | 96 pipes |
IX Grand Cornet (1-12 derived from | |
Bourdon; 13-32 sound Posaune 8vb) | |
16’ Posaune | 32 pipes |
16’ Contre Hautbois (Swell) | |
8’ Posaune | 12 pipes |
8’ Festival Trumpet (prepared) | |
4’ Rohr Schalmei | 32 pipes |
Chimes (Echo, plays 8va) | |
MIDI 1 | |
MIDI 2 | |
MIDI 3 |
Great to Pedal | Echo to Great 16’ |
Great to Pedal 4’ | Echo to Great |
Swell to Pedal | Echo to Great 4’ |
Swell to Pedal 4’ | Swell to Choir 16’ |
Choir to Pedal | Swell to Choir |
Choir to Pedal 4’ | Swell to Choir 4’ |
Echo to Pedal | Great to Choir |
Echo to Pedal 4’ | Echo to Choir 16’ |
Swell to Great 16’ | Echo to Choir |
Swell to Great | Echo to Choir 4’ |
Swell to Great 4’ | Choir to Swell |
Choir to Great 16’ | Echo to Swell |
Choir to Great | Great to Echo |
Choir to Great 4’ | Swell to Echo |
Choir to Echo |
Features and Accessories
250 Memory Levels
Record / Playback Feature
Auto Pedal
Echo Expression to Narthex
All Swells to Swell
Crescendo Pedal Indicator
Expression Pedal Indicators (Swell, Choir, Echo)
Sforzando Indicator
Chime Volume (5 positions)
14 generals (1-12 duplicated on toe studs)
5 divisional pistons on each division (Pedal duplicated on toe studs)
Thumb and Toe Pistons
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Choir to Pedal
Echo to Pedal
Next (piston sequencer)
Up (memory levels adjustment)
Down (memory level adjustment)
Thumb Pistons
Swell to Great
Previous (piston sequencer)
Toe Pistons
32’ Contre Bourdon