Grace Lutheran Church

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Sanctuary organ, 1967 Schlicker Organ Company
44 stops, 52 ranks, 2,652 pipes.
Slider chests
Warfel Memorial Organ
Frank McConnell, Consultant


Great Organ

16’ Gemshorn 61 pipes
8’ Principal 61 pipes
8’ Spillflöte 61 pipes
8’ Bourdon 61 pipes
4’ Octave 61 pipes
4’ Hohlflöte 61 pipes
2’ Octave 61 pipes
V-VI Mixture 354 pipes
8’ Trompeta Real (from Pos)

Swell Organ

8’ Rohrflöte 61 pipes
8’ Salicional 61 pipes
8’ Celeste (TC) 49 pipes
4’ Principal 61 pipes
4’ Spitzflöte 61 pipes
2 2/3’ Nazat 61 pipes
2’ Waldflöte 61 pipes
1 3/5’ Terz (TC) 49 pipes
V Mixture 293 pipes
16’ Bassoon 12 pipes
8’ Fagott 61 pipes
8’ Schalmei 61 pipes

Rück-Positiv organ

8’ Gedackt 61 pipes
4’ Principal 61 pipes
4’ Koppelflöte 61 pipes
2’ Principal 61 pipes
2’ Blockflöte 61 pipes
1 1/3’ Quintflöte 61 pipes
IV Scharff 244 pipes
8’ Krumhorn 61 pipes
8’ Trompeta Real 61 pipes

Pedal organ

32’ Bourdon (digital)
32’ Resultant
16’ Principal 12 pipes
16’ Subbass 32 pipes
16’ Bourdon (digital)
16’ Gemshorn (from Gt)
8’ Octave 32 pipes
8’ Metalgedackt 32 pipes
4’ Choralbass 32 pipes
4’ Flachflöte 32 pipes
2’ Nachthorn 32 pipes
IV Mixture 128 pipes
16’ Posaune 32 pipes
16’ Bassoon (from Sw)
8’ Trumpet 12 pipes
4’ Clarion (from Sw. Bassoon)


Swell to Great 16’ 8’ 4’
Positiv to Great 16’ 8’
Swell to Positiv 16’ 8’ 4’
Positiv to Swell
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Positiv to Pedal
Electric Action with Slider Chests
10 General Pistons
5 Pistons on each division
99 Memory levels

St. Peter Chapel Organ
Grace Lutheran Church, Lancaster

Roger Pulham, 1986, tracker action

Great organ

8’ Flûte à Cheminée
4’ Prestant
2’ Doublette
II Fourniture
8’ Cromorne

Swell organ

8’ Bourdon
4’ Flûte à Cheminée
2 2/3’ Nazard
2’ Quart
1 3/5’ Tierce

pedal organ

16’ Subbass
8’ Flûte
4’ Flûte
Tremolo (affects entire organ)
Swell to Great
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal