Second Presbyterian Church
The original Moller Pipe organ was built by M. P. Moller, Inc. of Hagerstown, Maryland for Second Presbyterian’s downtown Carlisle location on Hanover Street and dedicated on November 20, 1950. In 1971, the organ was moved to a new sanctuary and redesigned for its home on Garland Drive. Many elements of the older instrument remained and new tonal elements were added. In 1985, a new console was designed by Cannarsa of Duncansville, PA to fit into the décor of the sanctuary. At the request of Andy Hoke (Director of Music, appointed in 2002) and an organ study committee, research on possible improvements began in 2002, was formalized and approved by the session and congregation in 2006, and refurbishment began in 2007. Companies chosen for the work were Buch Church Organ Company of Ephrata, PA, SDG Organ Company of Millersville, PA, and Walker Technical Company of Zionsville, PA with Buch organ as the project leader. SDG did the work on the 39 ranks of pipes (2293 in all) including rewiring, releathering, revoicing, rescaling, retuning, and replacement of many old parts as needed. Temporary repairs were replaced by permanent repairs. Buch and Walker Technical Company built the new console and added digital stops and new features. A Rodgers MX – 200 sound module including 1122 total sounds was also purchased to increase the expressive potential of the instrument. The new specification is listed below with digital stop additions marked with an asterisk.
Great Organ
16’ Flute Conique | 2’ Flachflote |
8’ Principal | Mixture III-IV |
8’ Spitzflote | Sesquiltera II |
8’ Gemshorn | 8’ Trompette |
4’ Octave | Tremolo* Chimes |
4’ Spillflote | 16’ Great-to-Great |
2 2/3’ Twelfth | Great Unison Off |
2’ Super Octave | 4’ Great-to-Great |
* exposed pipework |
Swell Organ
16’ Bourdon | Plein Jeu III |
8’ Geigen Principal | 16’ Fagott |
8’ Rohrflote | 8’ Trompette |
8’ Gambe | *8’ Oboe |
8’ Gambe Celeste | *8’ Vox Humana |
4’ Principal | 4’ Clarion |
4’ Triangular Flote | Tremolo |
*2 2/3’ Nazard | 16’ Swell-to-Swell |
2’ Flageolet | Swell Union Off |
*1 3/5’ Tierce | 4’ Swell-to-Swell |
Choir Organ
*8’ Viola Pomposa | 1 1/3’ Quint Flote |
8’ Gedeckt | Zimbel II |
*8’ Flute Celeste II | 8’ Krummhorn |
8’ Dolce | Tremolo |
8’ Dolce Celeste | *Harp |
*4’ Principal | 16’ Choir-to-Choir |
4’ Waldflote | Choir Unison Off |
2 2/3’ Nazard | 4’ Choir-to-Choir |
2’ Principal |
*8’ Harmonic Flute | *8’ Cor Anglais |
*8’ Cello Celeste | *8 Fanfare Trumpet |
*4’ Orchestral Flute | *Chimes |
*16’ Corno di Bassetto |
*32’ Contra Bourdon | 4’ Choral Bass |
16’ Principal | 4’ Flute |
16’ Subbass | Mixture III |
16’ Rohrbourdon | *32’ Contra Bombard |
8’ Octave | 16’ Contra Trompette |
8’ Bass Flote | 8’ Trompette |
8’ Rohrflote | 4’ Rohr Schalmei |