Pine Street Presbyterian Church

310 North 3rd Street, Harrisburg

E.M. Skinner, Op. 506, 1926
Moller, Op. R-706, 1963
Moller, Op. R-1212, 1991

THE ORGAN at Pine Street Presbyterian Church was originally designed and installed in 1926 by the Skinner Organ Company of Boston, Massachusetts as a part of the rebuilding of the church under the direction of architect Ralph Adams Cram of Boston. It was originally scheduled for installation in an area above the choir loft, but for unknown reasons, the location was changed to two shallow chambers on either side of the loft, providing a much better location in all respects. At the time, Skinner was the premier organ builder in the United States.

This instrument served virtually unchanged until 1963 when it was rebuilt and enlarged by the M.P. Möller Company of Hagerstown, Maryland. During this rebuild the best of the Skinner pipework and virtually all of the original chestwork were saved, renewed and reinstalled in what was a mostly new instrument. Of particular importance was the retention of the Solo Organ with its magnificent State Trumpet and colorful solo strings and French Horn. The Principal, Mixtures and much of the flue work were new, as were the Swell Reeds, which are a wonderful example of the work of Adolph Zajick, Möller's legendary chief reed voicer.

In the late 1980's the organ again needed repairs and again the Möller Company, this time under the direction of Tonal Director Daniel Angerstein, was called upon to restore, upgrade and enlarge the organ. From this rebuild came the installation of the Nave Organ which speaks from the two grilles surrounding the Choir Loft window and the dazzling Trompette-en-Chamade on the West wall of the church. This work was carefully guided by then organist, Donald L. Clapper whose diligence paid off in what is surely one of the finest instruments in Central Pennsylvania and one of the best installations of the Möller Company. The new organ was dedicated in 1991. This work was made possible by the Million for Ministry campaign which also provided significant changes to the building including the new Gathering Place directly behind the Chancel, and the Chapel area in the South transept.

In 2000, the electronic 32 foot stops, retained from the 1963 rebuild, were in need of replacement. This was accomplished by the Walker Technical firm of Zionsville, Pennsylvania with state of the art digitally sampled voices which give the needed underpinning to the organ in this large space. This final work on the instrument was made possible by a generous gift from the estate of Albert Herbert.



16’ Quintaton 73 pipes
8’ Diapason** 61 pipes
8’ Rohrflöte 61 pipes
8’ Quintaton (from 16’)
8’ Erzahler 61 pipes
4’ Prestant** 61 pipes
4’ Spitzflöte 73 pipes
2’ Waldflöte 73 pipes
II Sesquialtera** 146 pipes
III Fourniture (1 1/3’)** 183 pipes
8’ Trompette-en-Chamade (Solo)
Carillon (currently not functioning)


8’ Principal* 61 pipes
4’ Octave* 61 pipes
2’ Super Octave* 61 pipes
IV Mixture (1 1/3’)* 244 pipes
16’ Double Trumpet* 61 pipes
8’ Trumpet* 61 pipes
4’ Klarine* 61 pipes


16’ Lieblich Gedackt** 73 pipes
16’ Contra Gemshorn 73 pipes
8’ Viola Pomposa** 73 pipes
8’ Viola Celeste 61 pipes
8’ Gedackt (extension of 16’)**
8’ Voix Celeste II** 146 pipes
8’ Gemshorn (extension of 16’)
8’ Stopped Diapason 73 pipes
8’ Flauto Dolce Celeste II* 73 pipes
4’ Octave Geigen 73 pipes
4’ Koppelflöte 73 pipes
2 2/3’ Nazard 61 pipes
2’ Zauberflöte 61 pipes
1 3/5’ Tierce 61 pipes
V Plein Jeu (2’)** 305 pipes
IV Scharf* 244 pipes
16’ Basson** 73 pipes
8’ Trompette** 73 pipes
8’ Oboe** 73 pipes
8’ Vox Humana 61 pipes
4’ Clarion** 73 pipes


8’ English Open Diapason* 73 pipes
8’ Stopped Flute** 73 pipes
8’ Unda Maris II* 146 pipes
4’ Principal* 73 pipes
4’ Nachthorn 73 pipes
2’ Fifteenth* 61 pipes
1 1/3’ Larigot 61 pipes
1’ Blockflöte** 61 pipes
III-IV Cymbal (1’)* 244 pipes
8’ Clarinet 73 pipes
Harp (currently not functioning)
Celesta (currently not functioning)


8’ Flauto Mirabilis 73 pipes
8’ Gamba 73 pipes
8’ Gamba Celeste 73 pipes
8’ English Horn* 73 pipes
8’ French Horn 73 pipes
8’ State Trumpet 73 pipes
8’ Trompette en Chamade* 61 pipes


8’ Cor de Nuit 73 pipes
8’ Vox Angelica II** 146 pipes
8’ Vox Humana 61 pipes
Carillon (currently not functioning)
Harp (currently not functioning)


32’ Contra Diapason (electronic)
32’ Contra Bourdon (electronic)
16’ Diapason** 32 pipes
16’ Violon (electronic)
16’ Bourdon 56 pipes
16’ Quintaton (Gt.)
16’ Lieblich Gedackt (Sw)
16’ Contra Gemshorn (Sw)
10 2/3’ Quint (from Bourdon)
10 2/3’ Gemshorn (Sw)
8’ Principal 32 pipes
8’ Diapason (from 16’)
8’ Bourdon (from 16’)
8’ Quintaton (Gt)
8’ Gedackt (Sw)
8’ Gemshorn (Sw)
4’ Principal 32 pipes
4’ Bourdon (from 16’)
4’ Quintaton (Gt)
IV Mixture (2 2/3’)* 128 pipes
V Grand Cornet (32’)
32’ Contre Bombarde (electronic)
16’ Bombarde 56 pipes
16’ Double Trumpet (Nave)
8’ Bombarde (from 16’)
8’ Trumpet (Nave)
4’ Bombarde Clarion (from 16’)

*new pipes / stop

**rescaled, revoiced pipes


 Great to Pedal 8’

Swell to Pedal 8’

Swell to Pedal 4’

Choir to Pedal 8’

Choir to Pedal 4’

Solo-Echo to Pedal 8’

Solo-Echo to Pedal 4’

Nave to Pedal 8’

Swell to Great 16’

Swell to Great 8’

Swell to Great 4’

Choir to Great 16’

Choir to Great 8’

Choir to Great 4’

Solo-Echo to Great 16’

Solo-Echo to Great 8’

Solo-Echo to Great 4’

Swell to Choir 16’

Swell to Choir 8’

Swell to Choir 4’

Solo-Echo to Choir 8’

Solo-Echo to Swell 16’

Solo-Echo to Swell 8’

Solo-Echo to Swell 4’

Nave to Solo 8’

Nave to Swell

Nave to Choir

Nave Unison Off

Great to Great 16’

Great Unison Off

Great to Great 4’

Swell to Swell 16’

Swell Unison Off

Swell to Swell 4’

Choir to Choir 16’

Choir Unison Off

Choir to Choir 4’

Solo-Echo to Solo-Echo 16’

Solo-Echo to Solo-Echo 8’

Pedal to Solo

All Swells to Swell

Manual I  II Reverse

Great and Nave function as a single division although it is possible to separate them and
play them against one another.


Adjustable Combinations

8 pistons affecting Great and Nave

8 pistons affecting Swell

8 pistons affecting Choir

8 pistons affecting Solo-Echo

8 pistons affecting Pedal

12 pistons affecting Entire Organ

Tutti reversible on piston and stud

General Cancel

Setter Piston

Multiple Memory with 32 levels

Pedal Combinations to Great Piston On / Off switch

Pedal Combinations to Swell Piston On / Off switch

Pedal Combinations to Choir Piston On / Off switch

Pedal Combinations to Solo-Echo Piston On / Off switch


Great to Pedal reversible piston and stud

Swell to Pedal reversible piston and stud

Choir to Pedal reversible piston and stud

Solo-Echo to Pedal reversible piston and stud

32’ Contra Diapason reversible stud

32’ Contra Bourdon reversible stud

32’ Contra Bombarde reversible stud

All Swells to Swell reversible


Balanced Expression Pedal – Swell

Balanced Expression Pedal – Choir (including Harp)

Balanced Expression Pedal – Solo-Echo (including Carillon)

Balanced Crescendo Pedal