Christ Lutheran Church
125 East High Street, Elizabethtown

Great Organ
16’ Flute Conique (digital) | 2’ Wald Flute (digital) |
8’ Diapason 61 pipes | Sesquialtera II (digital) |
8’ Harmonic Flute 61 pipes | Fourniture IV (digital) |
8’ Bourdon (digital) | 8’ Trumpet (digital) |
4’ Octave 61 pipes | Chimes (digital) |
4’ Hohl Flute (digital) | Tremulant |
2’ Super Octave (digital) | 8’ Festival Trumpet (Choir, Non-coupling) |
Swell Organ
16’ Lieblich Bourdon (1-12 digital) 85 pipes | Pleain Jeu IV (digital) |
8’ Geigen Diapason 73 pipes | 16’ Contra Trompette (digital) |
8’ Stopped Flute (from 16’) | 8’ Trumpet (digital) |
8’ Salicional 73 pipes | 8’ Oboe (digital) |
8’ Voix Celeste (1-12 digital) 61 pipes | 8’ Vox Humana (digital) |
8’ Flute Celeste II (digital) | 4’ Clarion (digital) |
4’ Principal 73 pipes | Tremulant |
4’ Lieblich Flute (from 16’) | 8’ Festival Trumpet (Choir, Non-coupling) |
2 2/3’ Nazard (digital) | 16’ Swell to Swell |
2’ Principal (digital) | Swell Unison Off |
2’ Flautino 61 pipes | 4’ Swell to Swell |
1 3/5’ Tierce (digital) |
Choir Organ
8’ Viola Pomposa (digital) | Cymbal III (digital) |
8’ Viola Celeste (digital) | 8’ Clarinet 73 pipes |
8’ Concert Flute 73 pipes | 8’ English Horn (digital) |
8’ Unda Maris II (celeste TC) 134 pipes | Tremulant |
4’ Principal (digital) | 16’ Choir to Choir |
4’ Flute (from 8’) | Choir Unison Off |
2 2/3’ Nazard (digital) | 4’ Choir to Choir |
2’ Piccolo (digital) | 8’ Festival Trumpet (digital) |
1 1/3’ Larigot (digital) | (Non-coupling, speaks from the rear) |
(speaks on the Swell unless turned off)
8’ Principal (digital) | 2’ Octave (digital) |
8’ Holz Gedeckt (digital) | Mixture III (digital) |
4’ Octave (digital) | 8’ Petite Trumpet (digital) |
4’ Harmonic Flute (digital) |
32’ Contra Bourdon (digital) | 4’ Choral Bass (digital) |
16’ Diapason 32 pipes | 32’ Contra Bombarde (digital) |
16’ Bourdon 32 pipes | 16’ Bombarde (digital) |
16’ Flute Conique (from Great) | 16’ Contra Trumpet (from Swell) |
16’ Lieblich Bourdon (from Swell) | 8’ Trumpet (digital) |
8’ Octave (digital) | 8’ Festival Trumpet (from Choir) |
8’ Bourdon (from Swell) | 4’ Rohr Schalmei (digital) |
Antiphonal Pedal
16’ Sanft Bass (digital)
Great to Pedal 8’ 4’ | Choir to Great 16’, 8’ 4’ |
Swell to Pedal 8’ 4’ | Swell to Choir 16’, 8’ 4’ |
Great to Pedal 8’ 4’ | Antiphonal to Pd, Gt, Ch, Sw |
Choir to Pedal 8’ 4’ | Antiphonal off Swell |
Swell to Great 16’, 8’ 4’ | Antiphonal Exp. off Swell on Choir |
Combination Action
Great 1 to 5 Thumb pistons
Swell 1 to 5 Thumb pistons
Choir 1 to 5 Thumb pistons
Pedal 1 to 5 Thumb & Toe pistons
Generals 1 to 10 Thumb & Toe pistons
General Cancel Thumb piston
Great to Pedal Thumb & Toe piston
Swell to Pedal Thumb & Toe piston
Choir to Pedal Thumb & Toe piston
Balanced Expression Pedals Great and Choir, Swell, and Antiphonal
Balanced Crescendo Pedal
Sforzando Thumb & Toe piston
Tutti Thumb & Toe piston
Zimbelstern (digital) Thumb & Toe piston
Other Features
288 Levels of Memory
Orchestral Crescendo
Swell Melody
Bass Coupler
Choir Melody
MIDI Control System
13 position transposer (+ / - 6 half-steps)