Christ Lutheran Church

125 East High Street, Elizabethtown


Great Organ

16’ Flute Conique (digital) 2’ Wald Flute (digital)
8’ Diapason  61 pipes Sesquialtera II (digital)
8’ Harmonic Flute  61 pipes Fourniture IV (digital)
8’ Bourdon (digital) 8’ Trumpet (digital)
4’ Octave 61 pipes Chimes (digital)
4’ Hohl Flute (digital) Tremulant
2’ Super Octave (digital) 8’ Festival Trumpet (Choir, Non-coupling)

Swell Organ

16’ Lieblich Bourdon (1-12 digital) 85 pipes Pleain Jeu IV (digital)
8’ Geigen Diapason 73 pipes 16’ Contra Trompette (digital)
8’ Stopped Flute (from 16’) 8’ Trumpet (digital)
8’ Salicional 73 pipes 8’ Oboe (digital)
8’ Voix Celeste (1-12 digital) 61 pipes 8’ Vox Humana (digital)
8’ Flute Celeste II (digital) 4’ Clarion (digital)
4’ Principal 73 pipes Tremulant
4’ Lieblich Flute (from 16’) 8’ Festival Trumpet (Choir, Non-coupling)
2 2/3’ Nazard (digital) 16’ Swell to Swell
2’ Principal (digital) Swell Unison Off
2’ Flautino 61 pipes 4’ Swell to Swell
1 3/5’ Tierce (digital)

Choir Organ

8’ Viola Pomposa (digital) Cymbal III (digital)
8’ Viola Celeste (digital) 8’ Clarinet 73 pipes
8’ Concert Flute 73 pipes 8’ English Horn (digital)
8’ Unda Maris II (celeste TC) 134 pipes Tremulant
4’ Principal (digital) 16’ Choir to Choir
4’ Flute (from 8’) Choir Unison Off
2 2/3’ Nazard (digital) 4’ Choir to Choir
2’ Piccolo (digital) 8’ Festival Trumpet (digital)
1 1/3’ Larigot (digital) (Non-coupling, speaks from the rear)

(speaks on the Swell unless turned off)

8’ Principal (digital) 2’ Octave (digital)
8’ Holz Gedeckt (digital) Mixture III (digital)
4’ Octave (digital) 8’ Petite Trumpet (digital)
4’ Harmonic Flute (digital)


32’ Contra Bourdon (digital) 4’ Choral Bass (digital)
16’ Diapason 32 pipes 32’ Contra Bombarde (digital)
16’ Bourdon 32 pipes 16’ Bombarde (digital)
16’ Flute Conique (from Great) 16’ Contra Trumpet (from Swell)
16’ Lieblich Bourdon (from Swell) 8’ Trumpet (digital)
8’ Octave (digital) 8’ Festival Trumpet (from Choir)
8’ Bourdon (from Swell) 4’ Rohr Schalmei (digital)

Antiphonal Pedal

16’ Sanft Bass (digital)


Great to Pedal 8’ 4’ Choir to Great 16’, 8’ 4’
Swell to Pedal 8’ 4’ Swell to Choir 16’, 8’ 4’
Great to Pedal 8’ 4’ Antiphonal to Pd, Gt, Ch, Sw
Choir to Pedal 8’ 4’ Antiphonal off Swell
Swell to Great 16’, 8’ 4’ Antiphonal Exp. off Swell on Choir

Combination Action

Great 1 to 5 Thumb pistons
Swell 1 to 5 Thumb pistons
Choir 1 to 5 Thumb pistons
Pedal 1 to 5 Thumb & Toe pistons
Generals 1 to 10 Thumb & Toe pistons
General Cancel Thumb piston


Great to Pedal Thumb & Toe piston
Swell to Pedal Thumb & Toe piston
Choir to Pedal Thumb & Toe piston
Balanced Expression Pedals Great and Choir, Swell, and Antiphonal
Balanced Crescendo Pedal
Sforzando Thumb & Toe piston
Tutti Thumb & Toe piston
Zimbelstern (digital) Thumb & Toe piston

Other Features

288 Levels of Memory
Orchestral Crescendo
Swell Melody
Bass Coupler
Choir Melody
MIDI Control System
13 position transposer (+ / - 6 half-steps)