Faith Presbyterian Church
1801 Colonial Road, Harrisburg
Hagerstown Organ Company Console
Great Organ
16’ Spitzflote * | 61 pipes |
8’ Principal 1 | 61 pipes |
8’ Bourdon 2 | 61 pipes |
4’ Octave 1 | 61 pipes |
4’ Koppelflöte 2 | 61 pipes |
2’ Super Octave 1 | 61 pipes |
2’ Blockflöte (extended 4’) | 12 pipes |
II Cornet 2 | 98 pipes |
IV Fourniture 1 | 244 pipes |
8’ Trumpet * | 61 notes |
Flute Tremulant | |
Chimes * |
Swell Organ
16’ Lieblich Gedeckt * | 61 notes |
8’ Rohrflote | 61 pipes |
8’ Viola Pomposa | 61 pipes |
8’ Viola Celeste | 49 pipes |
4’ Principal | 61 pipes |
4’ Flute Harmonic | 61 pipes |
2’ Waldflöte | 61 pipes |
III Plein Jeu | 183 pipes |
16’ Basson * | 61 notes |
8’ Trompette * | 61 notes |
8’ Schalmei * | 61 notes |
8’ Vox Humana * | 61 notes |
4’ Clarion * | 61 notes |
Tremulant |
choir Organ
16’ Dulciana * | 61 notes |
8’ Holhflote * | 61 notes |
8’ Erzahler Celeste II * | 61 pipes |
8’ Nason Gedeckt | 61 pipes |
4’ Nachthorn | 61 pipes |
2 2/3’ Nazard | 61 pipes |
2’ Doublette | 61 pipes |
1 3/5’ Tierce | 61 pipes |
1 1/3’ Larigot (extended 2 2/3’) | 12 pipes |
IV Scharf * | 61 notes |
8’ English Horn * | 61 notes |
8’ Clarinet * | 61 notes |
8’ Petite Trompete * | 61 notes |
8’ Trompete Harmonic * | 61 notes |
8’ Festival Trompete 3* | 61 notes |
8’ Harp * | |
Tremulant |
Pedal Organ
32’ Untersatz * | 32 notes |
16’ Principal 4 (extended from 8’) | 12 pipes |
16’ Bourdon * | 32 notes |
16’ Rohrbass (extended from Swell) | 12 pipes |
8’ Octave 2 | 32 pipes |
8’ Bourdon * | 32 notes |
4’ Choralbass (extended from 8’) | 12 pipes |
4’ Nachthorn * | 32 notes |
IV Mixture * | 32 notes |
32’ Contra Fagot * | 32 notes |
16’ Posaune * | 32 notes |
8’ Trumpet * | 32 notes |
4’ Clarion * | 32 notes |
Cymbelstern * (on toe stud) |
8’ Great to Pedal | 16’ Choir to Choir |
4’ Great to Pedal | Choir Unison Off |
8’ Swell to Pedal | 4’ Choir to Choir |
4’ Swell to Pedal | 16’ Choir to Great |
8’ Choir to Pedal | 8’ Choir to Great |
4’ Choir to Pedal | 4’ Choir to Great |
16’ Swell to Great | 16’ Swell to Swell |
8’ Swell to Great | Swell Unison Off |
4’ Swell to Great | 4’ Swell to Swell |
* Indicates voices provided by Walker Technical
1 The Great Principal Chorus is on the right exposed chest in front of the Choir division.
2 The Great Flute Chorus and Pedal Principals 8’ & 4’ are on the left exposed chest in front of the Swell division.
3 The Festival Trompette is not under expression and it sounds from antiphonal speakers on the rear wall.
4 The Pedal 16’ Principal extension is split on remote chests flanking the large central window in the front of the Sanctuary.
Faith Presbyterian Church