First Church of the Brethren

219 Hummel Street, Harrisburg


Great Organ

16’ Gemshorn (TC)
8’ Principal 85 pipes
8’ Gedeckt 85 pipes
8’ Gemshorn 85 pipes
8’ Gemshorn Celests (TC) 61 pipes
4’ Octave
4’ Gedeckt
2 2/3’ Gemshorn Twelfth
2’ Super Octave
16’ Contra Hautbois (TC)
8’ Hautbois
4’ Hautbois Clarion
Chimes 21 bells

Swell Organ

8’ Gedeckt8’ Gemshorn
8’ Gemshorn Celeste (TC)
4’ Principal
4’ Gedeckt
4’ Gemshorn
2 2/3’ Gedeckt Quinte
1 3/5’ Gemshorn Tierce
8’ Hautbois 73 pipes
4’ Hautbois Clarion

Pedal organ

16’ Bourdon
16’ Dolce (Bourdon pipes on lower wind press.)
8’ Octave
8’ Gedeckt
8’ Gemshorn
4’ Super Octave
4’ Gedeckt
8’ Hautbois
2’ Gedeckt
4’ Hautbois

Combination Pistons

4 General Pistons
4 Swell Divisional Pistons (including Pedal)
4 Great Divisional Pistons (including Pedal)
Crescendo Pedal